Heidi Schøne ... did she encourage Anders Breivik to commit mass-murder on 22/7? She was the figurehead for the Norwegian Press anti-Muslim hate campaign from 1995-2006 in 21 front-page articles.

Breivik must have read them. Judge for yourselves. Read the Norway Shockers story ...

In April 2024 Heidi Schøne contacted Farid El Diwany and expressed her deep and sincere regret at her behaviour. The pair are now the best of friends.

Sorte Press Release

8 week aborted fetus

8 week aborted fetus

8 week aborted fetus

9 week aborted fetus

9 week aborted fetus

10 week aborted fetus

11 week aborted fetus

11 week aborted fetus

11 week aborted fetus

11 week aborted fetus


22 week aborted fetus



24 week aborted fetus






















Bearing in mind that the office of statistics in Norway tell us for every five pregnancies there is one termination.

Girls - When you get Pregnant:-

  • 1. Will he want the baby?
  • 2. Will you want the baby?
  • 3. Will he ask you to kill it?
  • 4. Will you kill it without being asked?
  • 5. Will you kill it without telling him?
  • 6. Will you kill it even if he tells you he wants it?
  • 7. Will you kill it and then regret it for the rest of your life?
  • 8. Will the remorse make you want to kill yourself?
  • 9. Will he leave you if you have the baby?
  • 10. Will you be able to have children again if you do kill it?

Boys - When you get her Pregnant:-

  • 1. Will she tell you she's pregnant before she kills it?
  • 2. Or will she tell you after she has killed it?
  • 3. Will you be one of the many who will never know she has killed it?
  • 4. Will you ask her to kill it?
  • 5. Will you beg her to kill it?
  • 6. Will you leave her if she refuses to kill it?
  • 7. Are you sure you are the father?


