Heidi Schøne ... did she encourage Anders Breivik to commit mass-murder on 22/7? She was the figurehead for the Norwegian Press anti-Muslim hate campaign from 1995-2006 in 21 front-page articles.

Breivik must have read them. Judge for yourselves. Read the Norway Shockers story ...

In April 2024 Heidi Schøne contacted Farid El Diwany and expressed her deep and sincere regret at her behaviour. The pair are now the best of friends.

Sorte Press Release


The 'Best of British' features, articles from the mainstream U.K. press covering a variety of social topics including sexual health, abortion, rape, the family and libel.

" Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity "
Martin Luther King 1929 - 1968 American civil rights leader


Click on the newsclip for a larger view.
(Some newsclips are large - please be patient)


why todays youngs

Why today's young girls are just so FEEBLE
Daily mail, 9th June 2016



since whens

Since when did women's lib mean dressing like a porn star?
Daily Mail, 2nd December 2011


how teenage girlss

How teenage girls lost their innocence
Daily Mail, 16th December 2011


punish womens

Punish women for abortions: Trump
Daily Mail, 31st March 2016


fmg felt likes

'FMG felt like a car was running over my body'
Evening Standard, 14th April 2016


When hanging is humane
The Mail on Sunday 10th September 2006

Death Penalty
Letter to The Times November 11th 1994

Girl Power? The Spice Girls
Daily Mail December 5th 2007

New year Bingers' abortion legacy
Daily Mail - Monday, 31st December 2007

Teenage Sex - paying the price.

Daily Mail - July 8th 2002

Tragic Cost of the Sexual Revolution.
Daily Mail - July 8th 2002.

Abortion Pill for Teenagers
Daily Mail - July 8th 2002.

11 year old schoolgirls receive the morning after pill
Daily Mail - Monday November 18th 2002.

Pregnant 12 year old rejects talk of abortion after seeing scan of unborn child
Daily Mail - Friday November 15th 2002.

Botched Abortion - Killed one and nearly the other
The Sun 21st March 2003

Why the new Gestapo says it's all right to kill babies
The Mail on Sunday May 16th 2004

Drunken behaviour in women matching men
Daily Mail - Tuesday November 26th 2002

Ladette Drinking culture 'can harm baby before birth'
Daily Mail - Wednesday, February 5, 2003

Germaine Greer - The First Ladette
Daily Mail - Tuesday 10 November 2009


One in five who falls pregnant opts for abortion
Daily Mail - 13th December 2002


In Britain, 1 In 5 Pregnancies Ends In Abortion
Daily Telegraph March 31st 2004


Lisa faced an appalling choice:
should she have the baby of the man who raped her?

Daily Mail Friday January 30, 2004

Ecstasy? You may as well play Russian roulette warn doctors
Daily Mail - Friday, January 10, 2003


Britain's most honest Policeman
Daily Mail - Friday, February 14 2003


So what IS Smoking doing to your body?
Daily Mail - Tuesday, March 11 2003

RAPE:- Who is she?

Daily Mirror - July 3rd 2002

The Sun - July 3rd 2002.

The Daily Telegraph - July 3rd 2002.

The Times - July 3rd 2002.

Daily Mail - July 4th 2002.

Proof that Rape Law is a farce. Daily Mail - July 8th 2002

Rape Statistics. Daily Mail - July 24 2002.

Jailed, girl who slept with three men in one night then cried rape . Daily Mail - September 19 2012.


Nadine Milroy-Sloane - Guilty of telling rape lies.
"Machiavellian liar driven by sheer greed and a bent for sexual fantasy" is given 3 years imprisonment.

The Times Saturday May 17 2003

The Daily Telegraph Saturday May 17 2003

The Independent Saturday May 17 2003

The Times Saturday June 14 2003

The Daily Telegraph Saturday June 14 2003

Hamiltons scalp the silver fox of Fleet Street
The Daily Telegraph Thursday, February 3, 2005


Mother Imprisoned for false rape claim
The Independent Friday 15 August 2003


Football stars in rape case freed to fly home
Daily Mail Friday March 12, 2004

Soccer players rape charges dropped
Daily Mail May 21st 2004

Rape Lie Strumpet
The People April 4th 2004


Daily Express, Tuesday June 7th 2005

Daily Mail Tuesday June 7th 2005

Daily Mirror, Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

One-night stand liar exposed..by her mother

Daily Mirror, 8th June 2005


Daily Mirror, 9th June 2005

Daily Mirror, Friday,10th June 2005

The Sun, Friday, June 10th, 2005


Rape liar named
Daily Mail October 20th 2006


Anonymous accusers who ruin lives
The Times October 20th 2006


Girl's rape lie destroyed taxi driver's life
The Times Wednesday April 25th 2007

Daily Mail Wednesday 17th October 2007


Mercy for woman who cried rape eight times
Daily Mail Wednesday 14th November 2007

Abortion Regret - suing for Psychological Side Effects.

The Independent - 14th June 2002.

Daily Mail - December 13th 2005

Switzerland. The Daily Telegraph - Monday 3rd June 2002.

Russia. The Guardian - Wednesday September 24, 2003

China. The Independent on Sunday - 11 December 2005


India. The Times - January 10th 2006


India. The Times - July 24th 2007

Kenya. The Guardian, Wednesday November 3rd 2004

Argentina. The Sunday Telegraph, March 27th 2005

Portugal. The Independent 12th February 2007

The liberals and lawyers who are destroying justice -
Abandoning the old rules of right and wrong.

The Mail on Sunday - May 5th 2002.

Keep your beliefs to yourself - or you'll be next.
The Mail on Sunday - May 5th 2002.

We're far too stressed for love, says one in three women
Ladies - the conflict between home and work.

Daily Mail - Wednesday 1st May 2002.

he region where most of the births are illegitimate
Disturbing statistics on illegitimacy.

Daily Mail - Wednesday 1st May 2002.


Marriage Slump
Daily Mail - March 21st 2003


Safe Sex
Sunday Telegraph - February 23rd 2003


Soaring rates of sexual infection
Daily Mail Thursday 12 June 2003


160 New Teen Sex Disease Victims Each Day
Daily Mail, Monday March 8, 2004

Free pills and condoms "boost promiscuity"
The Times April 5th 2004


Safe - sex message is lost as disease soars
The Times, Wednesday July 28th 2004

Activists target female MPs with 'baby-killer' hate mail
Evening Standard, Wednesday 18th August 2004

Is Abortion The New Pill?
Daily Mail, Friday August 20th 2004

A change of heart
Daily Mail, Wednesday April 11th 2007

Doctors refusing terminations
Daily Mail, Tuesday April 17th 2007

I quit as a GP
Daily Mail, Tuesday April 17th 2007

They didn't notice they were pregnant

The Times, Thursday April 19th 2007

Abortion pictures - the right not to be offended
Law Society's Gazette May 31st 2007

The social evil of abortion
The Times June 1st 2007

Teenagers push up abortion figures
The Times June 20th 2007

Teen pregnancy fuels record abortion rates
Daily Mail June 20th 2007

Male infertility alert over hidden bacteria
The Times October 15th 2007

Too many abortions: Lord Steel
The Guardian Wednesday 24th October 2007

Jimmy Savile and ... the sexualisation of our children.

Daily Mail 22 October 2012

Outrage at NHS sex website for children aged 13
Daily Mail 24 October 2012

President Bush: Chastity before Marriage Campaign.
The Observer - Sunday 5th May 2002

God helped me to quit drinking, says Bush
The Times Friday October 31, 2003

Explosion of lone mothers / Minister warns against illegitimacy

Daily Express - Wednesday September 14th 1994.

Liar Naomi Campbell - prosecution for perjury??

The Sun - Saturday March 30th 2002.

Naomi Campbell - Lied on oath

The Daily Telegraph - Thursday March 28th 2002

Model Naomi finally defeated in Court - her lies must be exposed
Law Society Gazette - 17th October 2002

Naomi finally defeated
Law Society Gazette - October 2002

Lawyers back Lords ruling in Naomi case
Law Society Gazette 13th May 2004

Naming of adulterous footballer

The Times - Saturday March 30th 2002.

'Wrongdoer named and shamed'

The Mirror - Saturday March 30th 2002.

Britain's Press Complaints Commission - "A Dog with a Bark but no Bite"
Law Society Gazette - 9th August 2001

Call to review Net defamation law
Law Society Gazette - 19th December 2002

Internet defamation again
Law Society Gazette - 23rd January 2003

Sorry seems to be the hardest Word
Law Society Gazette - 6 March 2003

Media law - Pride and privilege - George Galloway MP v Telegraph Group Ltd (2004)

Law Society Gazette 10th February 2005

Adopting and embellishing false allegations
George Galloway MP v The Telegraph Group Ltd [2006]
Law Society Gazette 2nd March 2006

European Court of Human Rights - Libel - McDonald's
David and Goliath battle is a story of modern times
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 The Daily Telegraph


Abortion and the principles of free speech.

The Independent, 15th March 2002.

ProLife Alliance broadcast battle lost (but not for long)
The Daily Telegraph, 25 May 2001

ProLife Victory.
The Independent, 15th March 2002.

ProLife Victory.
The Times, 15th March 2002.

ProLife Victory.
The Daily Telegraph, 15th March 2002.

House of Lords- ProLife defeat
May 2003

Aborted foetus posters OK
The Daily Telegraph Friday 5th September 2003

Too late to have a baby

The Observer, 17th March 2002

Women who delay babies until late 30s get health warning

The Guardian, Friday September 16th 2005

Death weekend.

The Times, 6th March 2002

Two saintly girls sadly betrayed:

Jordan - Abortion offer.

Liz Hurley - Abortion request.

Jordan - again. The Sun, 17th March 2002.






 Jodie: "Why I Had To End My Pregnancy"

The People April 4th 2004


The Dangers of Body Piercing
The Times - Tuesday 10th September 2002

Robbie Williams - his child aborted against his wishes.
The Mail on Sunday - September 22nd 2002

Number living alone doubles.

The Independent, 12th December 2001.

The working mother. The Independent, 12th December 2001


Crooked Solicitor
Financial Mail on Sunday December 10th 2000


Pre-nuptial agreements - High Court Sanction
Daily Mail - Wednesday November 13th 2002.

Pre-nuptial deals-further progress
The Independent 14th April 2003


Pre-nuptial agreement guidelines
Law Society Gazette 31 July 2003

Bride and gloom - beware the wealthy client.
The Law Society's Gazette 19th July 2007

Paul McCartney and the avarice of Heather Mills
Daily Mail, February 14th 2008


Alcohol link to breast cancer
Daily Mail - Wednesday November 13th 2002.

Karen Mulder - "One more not so clever girl"
The Independent, 30th November 2001

Psychiatric patient Karen Mulder writes to Prince Albert to withdraw her allegation of rape.
Karen Mulder - Supermodel in 'Suicide Bid' Drama
Hello Magazine - December 24th 2002.

Psycopathy - the anti-social personality disorder.
The Times - August 22 2002.

Return of the family
The Sunday Times, 28 February 1993

China's "sin tax"

Anti-abortionists adopt US extremist tactics
The Sunday Times, 1 July 2001

Militants inflame abortion law battle
The Times, 22 January 1996

Cardinal: Rights laws can halt abortions
The Independent, 9 April 2001

Women in the dock
Daily Mail

Tests seek victims of hidden sex disease
The Times

Sexual freedom 'causing record level of disease'
The Times

Pro-life marchers mark legal landmark
The Times

Abortion crusader recants
The Times

Women are the crueller sex
Evening Standard Nov 18, 1997

Kill the body - but not the Soul


1 in 3 Babies are Aborted
Daily Express - Friday 13th December 2002

Abortion could lead to breast cancer The Mail Aug 13, 2000

Availability of abortion

Not a happy anniversary.
The Times 1997.

The Evening Standard Friday 12th September 2003

Just watch me grow
Daily Mail, Tuesday, June 29th, 2004

Steel calls for abortion limit to be cut
The Guardian, Monday, July 5th, 2004

Blair backs abortion review
The Times, Thursday, July 8th, 2004

Abortion: it's still licenced killing
Evening Standard, Friday, 9th July 2004

50 Babies a Year Are Alive After an Abortion
Daily Mail, November 28th 2005

Beware of the love rat
Daily Mail May 3rd 2004

New aborted baby storm
Daily Mail May 3rd 2004

Whose child is she anyway?
Daily Mail May 13th 2004

We were going to call her Chloe
Daily Express May 14th 2004

Abortion advice from a girl of 21
Daily Mail May 14th 2004

How could they let her do this?
Daily Mail May 13th 2004

Abortion adverts keep parents in dark
Daily Mail May 15th 2004

Shocking rise in abortions for under - 14s
Daily Mail, Thursday July 28 2005

Daily Mail, January 24th 2007

Labour sex education can't curb abortions
Daily Mail May 8th 2004

Under-age girls "sterilised" to cut teen pregnancies
Daily Mail May 3rd 2004

Pregnant teenagers live in different worlds: the rich have abortions, the poor have babies
The Times Wednesday June 30th 2004

Abortion Kills
Letters section The Spectator, 24th July 2004

Secret abortion for girls under 16
The Daily Telegraph, Saturday July 31st 2004

Secret abortions, junk ethics and the ruthless betrayal of our children
Daily Mail, August 2nd 2004

The unmentionables
Daily Mail May 13th 2004

Pupil passions and fantasy in gossip website at top school
Evening Standard 13th May 2004

Will chastity catch on here?
Daily Mail May 13th 2004

More abortions in 2003
The Times Thursday July 22nd 2004

Abortion laws creating our own holocaust, says cardinal

Daily Mail, Monday, March 28, 2005

Abortions soar as careers come first

The Times, Thursday 28th July 2005

Now for something completely different :

Our Beloved Sir Peter Ustinov - on the lessons he's learnt in life.


Neighbours beat up writer for novel that was just too close to home
The Times June 22nd 2007


Hello sailor
The Times - Thursday October 31st 2002.

Officers quit Navy after Forces lifted the ban on gays...
The Times Monday 15th October 2007

Daily Mail - Tuesday November 26th 2002

The right to sack gay workers
Independent on Sunday 11 May 2003

Peter Tatchell - Gays against the Bible

The Guardian Friday June 20 2003 The Guardian Monday 23 June 2003

Nigerian Anglicans stand firm against homosexuality

Gay Bishop Stands Down
The Daily Telegraph Monday 7 July 2003


The Times, August 9th 2003
Gay Journalist Matthew Parris agrees that Christian scriptures
condemn acts of homosexuality.

The Daily Telegraph, November 10th 2003
Bishop recommends homosexuals seek psychiatric help.

The Gay Scene By Charles Parker (It Was Intoxicating......)
The Independent On Sunday 4th April 2004

B&B bans gays from sharing
The Times Wednesday June 30 2004

Archbishop of Canterbury - "a theological prostitute"
The Guardian, Wednesday October 13th 2004

African bishops threaten split over homosexuality
The Independent, Thursday 28th October 2004

Vatican condemns 'evil' of gay marriage
Daily Mail Wednesday April 25th 2007


The Origins of Christmas
Q-News 6-12 December 1996

Islam and the Prince of Wales
The Times - Saturday, December 14, 1996

Journalist Yvonne Ridley - On a woman's right to choose.
Q News - July/August 2002

Faith plays minor role in lives of most white Christians
The Independent, Wednesday August 18th 2004

The demonising of Islam
The Tablet 11th September 2004 by William Dalrymple

Muslims are right about Britain
The Spectator 6th August 2005 and 13th August 2005



Unfinest Hour
by Brendan Simms (2001, 2002)

Apr 2012 s

Remorseless and baffling, Breivik's testimony leaves Norway no wiser

The Guardian 18 April 2012 


Daily Mail Apr 20 12 fix s

Breivik: I perfected my shooting skills playing video games for 16 hours a day

Daily Mail 20 April 2012


Evening Standard Apr 18 12 s

Don't ridicule me, killer Breivic tells prosecutor

Evening Standard 18 April 2012


Evening Standard May 16 12 s

I fled Breivik after he shot me four times

Evening Standard 16 May 2012


Independent Apr 16 12 s

Inside the Mind of Anders Breivik

The Independant 16 April 2012


 Independent Apr 19 12 s

Sentence me to death or set me free: Breivik pleads with court

The Independent 19 April 2012


Telegraph Apr 18 12 s

They were not innocent. I acted in defence of my culture. I would do it again

The Daily Telegraph 18 April 2012


The Guardian Apr 19 12 s

Execute me or set me free, Breivik tells Norway court

The Guardian 19 April 2012


The Guardian Apr 20 12 s

Breivic planned to film beheading of former MP

The Guardian 20 April 2012 


The Guardian Apr 21 2012 s

Breivik is a terrorist, so why treat him like a chancellor?

The Guardian 21 April 2012


The Times Apr 18 12 s

I was inspired by al-Qaeda to expand boundaries of terror, Breivik tells court

The Times 18 April 2012


The Times Apr 20 12 s

Breivik reveals plot for beheading labour leader

The Times 20 April 2012


 The Times Apr 21 12 s

Calm Breivik tells brutal story of his cold-blooded murder spree

The Times 21 April 2012


DailyMail Jan15 1 s

I abominate the Charlie Hebdo murderers. I also believe the magazine's malign and bigoted

Daily mail 15 January 2005


Evening standard Apr 16 12 s

Poisoned Briton 'Got too Greedy'

Evening Standard 16 April 2012


Independent Apr 17 12 1 s

Breivik pleads 'self-defence' over massacre

The Independent 17 April 2012


Inependent Apr 21 12 1 s

All the voices in my head told me not to do it

the Independent 21 April 2012


NewStatesman Apr 23 12 1 s

The most shocking thing about Anders Behring Breivik?

New Stateman 23 April 2012


The Guardian Apr 17 12 1 s

Breivik defiant as massacre trial opens

The Guardian 17 April 2012


The Times Apr 17 12 1 s

Breivik impassive as court hears desperate phone call from Utøya

The Times 17 April 2012


The Times Apr 19 12 1 s

Europe's court jesters

The Times 19 April 2012


TheIndependent Jan15 1 s

Twitter and facebook 'allowing Islamophobia to flourish'

The Independent 3 January 2015