Heidi Schøne ... did she encourage Anders Breivik to commit mass-murder on 22/7? She was the figurehead for the Norwegian Press anti-Muslim hate campaign from 1995-2006 in 21 front-page articles.

Breivik must have read them. Judge for yourselves. Read the Norway Shockers story ...

In April 2024 Heidi Schøne contacted Farid El Diwany and expressed her deep and sincere regret at her behaviour. The pair are now the best of friends.

Help required Erna - please end the cover-up!
From Heidi Schøne to Anders Behring Breivik:
Norway Shockers Redux

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.

II Corinthians 11:13

Cover up and humbug in the English legal profession is featured in this unique exposé.

Small beginnings. English duplicity at its best can be seen in the subterfuge of the so-called 'professional’ man when trying to pull a fast one. See how it's done in fascinating detail, by the Great Brits, in our real life case study.


Warnings are given and solutions offered.

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Solicitor v The Establishment - KINDLE

Solicitor v The Establishment - PAPERBACK

Message for Anders Behring Breivik: If you have an ebook device then read these books (Red Covers). You will discover that you had more friends in establishment Norway than you ever imagined.